Have you ever wondered that why Bhagwan Ganesh has a broken tusk? Well legends has their own way. As we all know, that India is a land of culture, traditions and heritage and hence Indian epics and scriptures are mysterious but a wide pool of knowledge and probably the only way to get to these traditions. There is an answer sometime more than one for every question. Similarly, there are two interesting stories regarding the broken tusk of Bhagwan Ganesha.
The first story revolve around Bhagwan Kartik, brother of Bhagwan Ganesha. Bhagwan Kartik was keen on writing the Stri Purushan Lakshan and planned to begin it. He was told by Bhagwan Vishnu to invoke or pray Bhagwan Ganesha before starting to write. Kartik purposely did not invoke the diety and carried on with his work. When Bhagwan Ganesha came to know this, He was furious and had an argument wth his brother. This caused a fight between them which caused one tusk of Bhagwan Ganesha to break. After sometime, Bhagwan Vishnu and Bhagwan Shiva came to stop them and asked Kartik to return his tusk. Bhagwan Kartik returned his tooth but only on one condition that Bhagwan Ganesha will always hold the tusk and will never keep it down. This is why Ganesha is seen holding the tusk in every murti. This story is fascinating and is a common belief among the people. But, there is another aspect to this which is renowned and relates back to Mahabharata times or the Dwapar Yuga.
In the second version of the story, Rishi Vyasa wanted someone to write Mahabharata for him. He respectfully asked Bhagwan Ganesha to write for him. Ganesha accepted the offer and agreed to write the Mahabharata but he had a condition. The condition was such that Rishi Vyasa has to dictate the Mahabharata without stopping and in a continuous manner. Rishi Vyasa agreed and they both sat to compose the greatest poem of all times. After some days of writing the Mahabharata, Bhagwan Ganesha got so engrossed in writing that his stylus broke in the middle and he broke his tusk to write further. So, it is considered that Ganesha broke his tusk during the Mahabharata period. So, these are the two different answers to the same question of why does Bhagwan Ganesh has a broken tusk. It is upto the people which to believe. These stories symbolizes that any amount of sacrifice is not enough to gain certain amount of knowledge.
No one can predict what is true and what is not, but the faith keeps it going. And so does these stories..!