In a monumental push towards boosting spiritual tourism, the Uttar Pradesh government, under the leadership of Shri Yogi Adityanath, has embarked on an ambitious mission to renovate 300 ancient temples across all 75 districts. This initiative, a part of the state’s spiritual tourism policy, has allocated funds of Rs 50 lakh for each temple, with up to Rs 2 crore for larger temples, totaling an investment of Rs 150 crore.
The renovation efforts, which began soon after the inception of Yogi government 2.0, aim to restore the temples to their former glory. Temples such as Bateshwar Dham in Agra, Aamani Baba in Aligarh, and Hathiram Baba in Ayodhya are among those that have been revitalized, ensuring they remain centers of cultural and religious activities. The project also includes infrastructural enhancements like improved access roads, drinking water facilities, and guesthouses to accommodate pilgrims and tourists, further enriching the spiritual journey in Uttar Pradesh.
This initiative not only revives the architectural and cultural heritage of the state but also strengthens the communal and spiritual fabric, inviting devotees and tourists to experience the renewed sacred sites. As the Ram Temple in Ayodhya stands as the flagship project, the government’s continuous efforts aim to keep the spiritual legacy of Uttar Pradesh alive and thriving.
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