Dress Code for Devotees: Puri’s Jagannath Temple Sets Standards from 2024

2 min read
Posted on October 12, 2023

Jagannath Temple, one of India’s most revered pilgrimage sites, has recently announced that it will be implementing a dress code for all devotees starting January 1, 2024. This announcement was made by the temple administration to maintain the sanctity and dignity of this historic temple.

Ranjan Kumar Das, the chief of Shree Jagannath Temple Administration, expressed his concerns about visitors not adhering to respectful attire while in the temple premises. “The temple is not just a monument; it’s a living testament to our faith and devotion. We’ve observed some devotees entering the temple wearing attire more suited for a day at the beach or a leisurely park stroll,” remarked Das. He emphasized that such casual attire undermines the profound spiritual significance of the temple.

It was noted in recent times that some visitors were seen in the temple wearing clothing like torn jeans, sleeveless tops, and half-pants. “It’s essential that we uphold the temple’s sanctity, ensuring that it remains a place of devotion and spiritual reflection,” Das added.

While the exact specifications of the dress code are yet to be detailed, initial reports suggest that clothing like torn jeans, sleeveless dresses, skirts, and shorts will not be permitted inside the temple.

Puri Jagannath

The temple authorities have taken this step not to limit anyone but to ensure that the atmosphere inside the temple remains one of respect and reverence. They will begin a campaign starting Tuesday to raise awareness among devotees about the upcoming dress code.

Das concluded, “We are confident that our devoted community will understand and appreciate this decision. After all, when we visit the abode of Lord Jagannath, it’s with a heart full of devotion, and our attire should reflect that sentiment.”

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