The One Thing You Should Never Do on Ganesh Chaturthi

When Ganesha’s Wrath Met the Moon’s Mischief: A Divine Face-off!

4 min read
Posted on September 6, 2024

Imagine this — a tiny mistake could get you blamed for something you didn’t do. We’re talking about something as simple as… looking at the moon. Yes, you heard that right.

Ganesh Chaturthi is here, and it’s time for all the celebrations, sweets, and those amazing Ganesha murtis everywhere. But before you dive in, there’s one rule you’ve got to keep in mind. It’s not about the modaks or the prayers—it’s about what you shouldn’t do.

And no, it’s not missing the aarti or forgetting to offer flowers. The one thing you should never do on Ganesh Chaturthi is… look at the Moon. Yes, you heard that right. Sounds bizarre, doesn’t it? But trust us, this isn’t just some random superstition; it’s got a whole backstory that even shook up the gods.

The Moon’s Big Mistake: A Lesson in Humility

Moon laughing Lord Ganesha - Ganesh Chaturthi - Temple Connect

So, here’s what happened. The Moon, sitting up high in the sky, thought he was the most handsome of them all. Shining bright, loved by everyone, he was quite full of himself. One fine day, as little Ganesha was traveling around, the Moon saw him. Now, Ganesha—with his elephant head and a big round belly—was looking as majestic as ever, riding his tiny mouse.

But instead of showing respect, the Moon just couldn’t resist. He burst out laughing, mocking Ganesha’s appearance. Imagine that! Laughing at Ganesha, who’s the remover of all obstacles. The Moon forgot one basic thing—humility. And so, Ganesha, in his calm but firm manner, said, “Moon, you’ve got too much pride. From today, whoever looks at you on Ganesh Chaturthi will face false accusations. They will be blamed for things they haven’t done.” That was it. The curse was set.

Don’t Look at the Moon on Ganesh Chaturthi

Now, you might think, “What’s the big deal? It’s just the Moon.” But let us tell you, even the greatest have fallen because of this one mistake. Our beloved Bhagawan Krishna once accidentally saw the Moon on Ganesh Chaturthi. And you know what happened? He got blamed for a crime he didn’t commit.

Here’s the story: There was a man named Satrajita, a great devotee of the Sun God – Surya Bhagawan. Pleased with his devotion, the Sun God gifted him the Syamantaka mani – a Gem—a dazzling jewel that could produce gold every day. This gem was like a blessing; wherever it was, prosperity followed. But with great power comes great responsibility, right?

One day, Satrajita’s brother, Prasena, took the gem and went out hunting. But a lion attacked and killed him, taking the gem away. Soon after, Jambavan, the bear king and a great devotee of Bhagawan, Prabhu Shri Ram, saw the lion, defeated it, and took the gem back to his cave, where his daughter Jambavati guarded it like a treasure.

When Satrajita found out his brother was dead, he immediately jumped to conclusions. “Krishna did it! He’s the one who wanted the gem!” And just like that, without any proof, even Krishna was blamed. People talked, rumors spread, and it all happened because Krishna had accidentally seen the Moon on Ganesh Chaturthi.

Krishna’s Journey to Prove His Innocence

But Krishna, being Krishna, didn’t sit quietly. He set out to prove his innocence. He followed the trail, found Prasena’s body, then the lion, and finally reached Jambavan’s cave. What happened next? Oh, it’s the stuff of legends! Krishna and Jambavan fought for 28 days straight—yes, you heard that right, 28 days!

Finally, Jambavan realized who Krishna really was—Bhagawan Sri Rama in a different form. He immediately stopped the fight, bowed down, and handed over the Syamantaka mani. Not just that, he also offered his daughter, Jambavati, in marriage to Krishna. With his name cleared, Krishna returned the gem to Satrajita, proving once again that the truth always comes out, no matter how dark things seem.

Lord Krishna - Jambavanta - Syamantakamani - Ganesh Chaturthi

Still, Krishna was bewildered by how quickly the rumors had spread. He asked the sages, “How could I be blamed when I’ve done nothing wrong?” The sages explained the story of Ganesha’s curse, saying, “You saw the Moon on the day of Ganesh Chaturthi.”

Realizing the reason behind the blame, Krishna worshipped Bhagwan Ganesha to lift the curse.

What To Do If You See the Moon?

So, what do we learn here? If Bhagawan Krishna himself didn’t shy away from proving his innocence, then we should also stand up for the truth. But, let’s say you accidentally see the Moon on Ganesh Chaturthi—don’t worry! Ganesha, in his infinite kindness, has given us a way out.

Just listen to or recite the story of the Syamantakopaakhyanam. This story isn’t just a fun tale; it’s a powerful remedy. It teaches us that even if the world blames us, the truth will always find a way to shine through. So, keep this verse in your heart:

Simha Prasena Mavadheet Simho Jambavata Hataha,
Sukumaaraka Maa Rodhistha Tavahyesha Syamantakaha.

It’s a reminder that no matter what happens, the truth is always on your side when you have faith in Ganesha.

The Big Takeaway

Ganesh Chaturthi is a time to celebrate, to be joyful, and to seek blessings from the remover of obstacles. But amidst all the festivities, remember this one thing—don’t look at the Moon. And if you do, just smile, listen to the story, and let Ganesha take care of the rest. Because at the end of the day, it’s not just about avoiding blame; it’s about learning humility, seeking the truth, and always believing in the goodness of Bhagwan Ganesha.

So, celebrate with all your heart, keep the faith, and let the blessings flow! Jai Ganesha!

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